Peace & Conflict
Conflicts do not cleanly end, instead often simmer in a protracted “messy middle” where fragile state institutions and armed non-state actors fight for territorial control and governing legitimacy. Communities, forcibly displaced and otherwise, must navigate this chaotic past and present as they work toward recovery.
Global Insight’s Peace & Conflict portfolio bridges techniques from the social and behavioral sciences to explore the relationships, attitudes and beliefs, and causal mechanisms driving conflict, motivating violence, and sustaining peace. We work to uncover the legacies of gender-based and conflict-related sexual violence as contributing to instability. Projects within this portfolio focus on peace-making, -building, and -keeping; women/gender, peace and security; protection and human security; political violence and (de)radicalization; and land and resource rights.
Featured Research
Building Local Peace through Social Cohesion with Security Actors
Evidence from a Partnership between Self-Defense Militias & Local Conflict Resolution Committees. In partnership with Search for Common Ground Nigeria, this study measured the effect of a peacebuilding program implemented across three levels: district, village, and neighborhood.